Kyra Fisher 3

I'm very conscious that children, like, in the Inuit culture you don't necessarily teach someone how to make something. People learn through observation. So, there are a lot of little children who are watching their relatives or parents carving and they will attribute their father, or mother, whatever as influencing them to learn how to do something. So, children are learning through the old tradition of observing and they're carving and they're not drawing as much but they're definitely carving. So there's... and little children too are learning that, they're learning to be self-supportive and self-reliant, because they also go and sell their own carvings door to door. So it teaches them reality of the market to a certain extent. And I think when artists go south and they see how well-received they are, they come back with a reinforced sense of pride in what they're doing. And there's great interest in Inuit art and in people as well.

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