Kyra Fisher 7
I don't think every person embodies the essence of a certain animal, or whatever. But I feel that the real artists, at times, embody the essence of bear or the essence of life up north. I'm very conscious that what you've made is very influenced by the type of stone that you have. When I lived in Baker Lake the stone was very hard, and, therefore, they focused on form and a lot of pieces are very sculptural in form. In Cape Dorset, they used to use harder stone at times as well as the serpentine. With the serpentine, it's a slightly softer stone so they create more realistic details to it. I, personally, and you know it only reflects my own aesthetic, but I prefer simple forms, strong forms, sculptural forms, and I see a lot in my work and it's actually very painful because I can't buy everything. And the work in Cape Dorset has changed over time too.