Nancy Doubleday 2

And I think all of the young throat singers and drum dancers speak loud and clear that they do find strength in IQ and other cultural, traditional roots that are coming back to life. And so, yes, I think that's very clear that there is a revival going on and that those things do matter a great deal. And the presence of the elders in the schools is something that's happened, really, in the last 25 years. And, it's wonderful. The availability of teachers who are Inuk and speak Inuktitut is another wonderful breakthrough. These are all good signs of, essentially, of a reunification - access to those kinds of special resources for children today, that perhaps they didn't have as easy access to. So, there are signs to be hopeful about it in that regard, but there's more to do; there's a lot more to do. Elders are not necessarily well resourced, and somehow, their knowledge needs to be respected and honoured.

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