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Interactive Movie
Learning Resources
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The Inuit Qaujimajatuqanginnik Adventure
What have I done over the past week to help the environment?
Turned out the lights when they weren't being used.
Turned off the TV when it wasn't being used.
Turned off the Computer/Video Games when it wasn't being used.
Used a power bar to plug in the TV/Computer/Video Games.
Played outside.
Ate food from the land (caribou, seal, berries, etc).
Walked or biked to school.
Walked or biked around your community instead of driving.
Went out on the land with someone experienced.
Asked an elder about the land.
Picked up a piece of trash off the street or land and put it in the garbage.
Painted a picture, made a movie, made a sculpture, or any art about nature.
Emailed the Prime Minister
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