Alethea: If we were doing your type of work, I would follow your lead, but here I would rather put my life in Jimmy's hands.
Jimmy: Thank you Alethea, for being careful. If we don't want to get into trouble, then we will have to keep watch and help each other and use the best of our knowlegde.
Graham: We've got to figure this out logically.
Woman: Look we've got a lot to do. We've got to think about shelter, we've got to think about the warmth of a fire.
Caitlin: And, we need to think about food.
Graham: And water.
Alethea: Well, as Jimmy said, we should all figure out what everybody knows how to do and...
CEO: Now, we've got to be prepared for a rescue effort. I know there'll be a rescue plane coming to look for us and we also need to light some kind of beacon - right away.
Jimmy: We have to make sure to watch out for polar bears.
Caitlin: Polar bears! No one told me about the polar bears!
Jimmy: While we're planning on where we are going to camp, make sure you watch out for polar bears and someone will always have to watch. And, there are two rifles and I would like to know if any of you knows how to use it.
Graham: I was up here a few years ago. I know how to handle a rifle, at least the basics. I may be rusty, but I'm willing.
Jimmy: If the polar bear was coming at you, where would you shoot it?
Caitlin: I would say that you would run.
Graham: You can't outrun a polar bear. I would shoot him here.
CEO: If we all pull together, we can get out of this mess. We've got to survive. I'm going to roll up my sleeves and go and start building a beacon.
Woman: Alright, I'll go through the packs and I'll see if there's anything colourful or reflective that you can use on the beacon - something like a mirror, clothing, anything bright or reflective, and then I'll also look around and see what we have for camp.
Alethea: Caitlin, you want to come with me? We can try to find some heather to burn and maybe some berries or food to eat. You want to come with me?
Caitlin: That sounds like a good plan, but what's going to happen if we get lost? How are we going to communicate with one another?
Jimmy: We will have to watch out for each other as to where everyone is, before it gets dark and if we hear any shooting then we will know that it's Graham shooting.
Graham: Don't worry, I won't waste a shot.
Jimmy: Let's go, and start getting ready before the weather get bad or before it's dark.
Alethea: Ok, good. Let's go, Caitlin?