The Inuit Qaujimajatuqanginnik Adventure

Size: 2216K Duration: 1m10s

Caitlin: BEAR!

CEO: Look, settle down. Just what did you see, anyway.

Caitlin: All I know is that it was white, and it was big. Really, really big.

Jimmy: How far was it, wasn't it a rabbit, or ice?

Caitlin: Well, I just saw white and we ran.

Woman: We do see bears here, sometimes.

Jimmy: Over there, they are ice, not a polar bear.

CEO: Okay, so it's just ice. Now, let's get back to the important things. Graham, have you got the water?

Graham: Well, I found some water, but it's a long way away from here, and I can't carry it all the way down here. We really should have had the camp closer to that.

CEO: And Caitlin, what about something to burn?

Caitlin: I don't have any firewood. I couldn't find anything. There's no wood.

Alethea: Well, there won't be wood. But a little further up the hill, there's probably some arctic heather we could burn, and it's also good for laying down as a mattress.

CEO: Well, why didn't somebody tell me this is the first place?

Alethea: Well, if you'd given me a chance to tell you, I would have been able to let you know that.