The Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Adventure

Examples of IQ in Action

In the Government of Nunavut, the Department of Justice “has established an IQ Working Group, consistent with a more general IQ initiative throughout the Government of Nunavut. The actualization of IQ in government departments is an ongoing task. It is guided, however, by a series of principles identified by the government task force. These principles include Inuit approaches to certain categories of action. In Nunavut Justice, for example, principles of inclusiveness and cooperative decision-making are valued.”

“As a basic premise, Nunavut Justice aims to ensure that Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit underlies any programs that it puts in place. … The actualization of IQ in government departments is an ongoing task. It is guided, however, by a series of principles identified by the government task force. These principles include Inuit approaches to certain categories of action.”

“In Nunavut Justice, for example, principles of inclusiveness and cooperative decision-making are valued. At the community level, respect for the wisdom of Elders and their approaches to handling interpersonal conflicts through counseling are recognized as being important.”

Source: Department of Justice, Government of Canada, “Review of the Nunavut Community Justice Program,”
Final Report

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